Friday, August 8, 2008

Getting Better

Things are looking better, but not enough to leave the Intensive Care Unit. Yesterday's creatinine level was 6.0 ( and today was 5.5. So it is better, but not enough. High numbers indicate malfunction of the kidney, the lower the better. In his case, a good reading would be 0.6 to 1.2 milligrams (mg) per deciliter (dl). I'm still trying to understand this whole thing myself.

Good news, Lili is now home. She's had her first homemade dinner, compliments of Craig & Susie Kurth, from my church at Whittier Hills Baptist ( Thank you Craig & Susie; those Beef BBQ Sloppy Joe's were delictable, and the pasta salad, molto delicioso!

I love my church family, they've been a wonderfully supportive! Today we had other visitors. They were Pastor Robert Bishop, Brian Walker, Ric Fox (I heard he was there, but I was konked out on Bob's gurney, underneath a sheet), Alex, KJ, and Olivia Jauregui. Other longtime friends that visited in the afternoon were Gilbert Dominguez, his son Randy, and Gilbert's dad, but Bob's adoptive dad, Alfred Dominguez. Thank you.

I want to say a special thanks to Brian Walker. He was so gracious to set up meals for our family (Swingles & my kids) this weekend. Believe it or not, these meals are a wonderful ministry to us, especially when no one is in the mood to cook, much less in this heat. Thanks again Craig & Susie Kurth!

Brian stayed for several hours in the morning to keep Bob company. They played Backgammon, and card games; and he even helped feed him! Thanks Brian Ü

Another "thank you" goes out the Jauregui's. We had a wonderful small walk in town in the morning to have breakfast (more like brunch) at Corner Bakery Cafe, in Westwood. Thereafter we walked over (Olivia and stroller, too) to have these amazing cookies at Diddy Riese Cookies. These cookies ( are equivalent to what Krispy Kremes usted to be; there's people waiting outside the door to get their daily taste of homemade soft cookies. I had their ice cream cookie sandwich. mmm, mmm, mmm....! On behalf of Marina and I, thank you for this treat, and giving us a break away from the hospital.

As I blog about this, I feel a bit guilty because Bob is still on a liquid diet. The doctors and nurses are still keeping a close watch on his urine output. He's doing okay, but they still want more; apparently the kidney is still not fully awake. Bob is retaining some water and so he's a little bloated. That is to be expected, but please pray for the following:
  • That the kidney would "wake up..." that is would start functioning more.
  • That Bob would feel encouraged
  • That he would be able to walk more for better circulation
For me:
  • That I would have patience & not miss him so much when I leave the hospital
  • That I would have no doubt that this is God's plan
  • That God would be glorified, whatever the outcome is...

Anyway, I was able to sponge bathe my husband, and despite him not liking it, I was very glad to do it. I hope that tomorrow will be a better day for him. Thank you Fidelia (his nurse) for taking good care of him.

That's it for now, until tomorrow. --Mireya

P.s. Sorry if I spider-web or ramble, it's sometimes difficult to keep on one thought when I have so many.

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