Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Thanks to all those peeps that have been praying for Bob. I would ask that you not stop, as he is not doing too well. This morning our nephrologist had to start an IV because he was very dehydrated. My poor husband, he’s had a bad case of diarrhea these last 4 days. In a matter of 5 days he has lost 25 pounds! Not good.

Dr. Pham (nephrologist,
http://www.uclahealth.org/body.cfm?id=458&action=detail&ref=18062) decided that most likely the cause of his ailment is one the anti-rejection drugs namedMyfortic. I read more about it on the internet, and it is a P-O-W-E-R-F-U-L drug, it is used to suppress the immune system.

It has been harsh on his body, and with the combination of a diuretic (Lasix), it’s no wonder he’s dehydrated! So, Dr. Pham has temporarily stopped the diuretic, the Myfortic, and one of his blood pressure (Nifedepine) meds until Friday to see if his condition improves. He’s been sleeping so much… Please pray that he gets better.

On our way home I felt really bad for him; he was having major cramps. He hasn’t been eating much of anything because he fears the inevitable will happen again; body bending cramps and several trips to the restroom. The cramps were so bad that we had to get off the freeway on our way home and stop at my sister-in-law’s (another favorite sis/Juanita Gonzalez) house on the way home to use the restroom!

I must give some good new though; his creatinine level is down to 2.2! This is wonderful! This means that the kidney is kicking in even harder! Praise the Lord. We are not out of the woods yet, it’s still a long way to recovery.

Please keep me in your prayers as well. I need Him to keep my life balanced, and right now I feel that I’m being pulled in so many directions that I can’t concentrate on one thing. By the time I get home from work, I am mentally exhausted. Please forgive me if I don’t return phone calls or have taken the time to visit; I hope you understand. Boo hoo. Enough about me.

Lili. I think she is homesick. Please pray that the doctor will give her clearance on Thursday (8/21) to go home this Friday. Lili has been a wonderful guest in our home, and I love her so much like a sister. But, I know that she dearly misses her husband Scott, her son Nathan, her daughter Marisa, and of course, Pepsi, her faithful dog. She misses his wonderful doggy breath! Just Kidding!

Now… last but not least; thank you to my dear friend Luz Reyes! This lady is the bomb! I love her dearly; she's been a superb supportive friend. She brought over a butt-kickin’, finger flavor lickin’ chicken soup! Y-U-M-M-Y, with a capital Y. Thank you my friend!

Another special mention goes out to: Frank & Miryam Olmos. Frank is Bob's dad, and Miryam is his wife. They brought over some delectable homemade chicken with cheese, and onion with cheese enchiladas! Miryam even baked us a yellow bundt cake, complete with the drizzled icing. Thank you Lord for providing for our needs when we need it.

Gracias Frank y Miryam, mis suegros en parte de mi esposo!

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