Thursday, August 7, 2008


My sister just called (12:38am, 08/07/08) to relay by phone that Bob is retaining some water in his lungs, and having quite a bit of trouble breathing.

Loida, thank you for watching over Bob.

Please pray that the nurses get a hold of Dr. Christina Charles, his immunologist. Pray that this is NOT his immune disease (MPA) that is flaring up and causing the problem.

  • Pray for Bob's immediate well being.
  • Pray that he not stop trusting the Lord.
  • Pray that I will trust Him right now and not be scared.
  • Pray for my mother-in-law Eva; that she be calm.

I am waiting on news from my sister Loida (she's a UCLA nurse); she's at his bedside right now, in the ICU. I gave her Dr. Charles number and hope that they can reach her so that maybe she'll give some input on his critical care.

Lord, help me to trust. Let it be all for Your glory. Amen.

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