Friday, August 15, 2008


So tired. We went to UCLA this morning (5:30am) for Bob to have some blood drawn and check his creatinine levels, phosphorus, and all the other good stuff. Sorry people, they forgot to give us the read out; it was not the normal routine, and we forgot to request it, too. =(

Anyhow, at 8:20am he got a dosage of Zenapax (anti-rejection drug) intravenously. You can read more about it here: From my understanding, this should be the last IV dosage. For the rest of his life, he'll be on anti-rejection pills.

After the treatment, I asked Bob if he felt well, and confirmed that all was okay! Well good for him. The swelling (water retention) on his ankles is something the doctor is workin' on. They upped his dosage of Blood pressure meds; could be high because of the swelling.

Good news, since his transplant, he no longer has that copper penny taste in his mouth anymore! He says his taste buds are back! Isn't that wonderful? Miraculous!

Our next visit is Tuesday, August 19th... @ 5:30am! F-U-N. I will try to get rest, I know that Bob has and still is...! I will keep you updated.

p.s. Thanks to all who called and encouraged Lili on her birthday yesterday. I'm sure she misses home and her family. Thanks for all your prayers, too.

Bob is taking phone calls... feel free to call!

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