Friday, August 22, 2008

Yay! He's better!

Hey Friends! Thanks for your prayer once again! Bob came home last night (Thursday, 8pm) and was a total different person!

I could not believe it, but he almost ate a whole hamburger; lately he would only take 1 or 2 bites before he start pushing his plate away. The diarrhea is completely gone, he's still on Flagyl until he finishes the medicine cycle. God is good.

If you can also believe it, he ate a whole steak sandwich for dinner. I tell you, it's refreshing to see him eat; a good sign that he's not afraid to eat! No more runs!

Bob's also walking faster; 30 rpms faster than a snail! Ü No word yet on when the staples will come out from his incision; maybe next week.

Did I tell you that his creatinine level is down to 1.9 since Wednesday, 8/20? Whoo hoo! Until next time!

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Fessenden said...
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