Thursday, August 14, 2008

Getting there… and a birthday to boot!

Before anything, Bob’s creatinine level is down to 3.0 as of Wednesday, August 13th!

Okay, yesterday was day number eight from the kidney transplant. We’re still trying to get the hang of it all… Lots of pills, lots of things to do!

Anyway, as I had indicated before, for the next 4 weeks we have to take a log of L-O-T-S of data. One of these things is to take Bob’s blood pressure 4 times a day. We (or shall I say more like me) had a scare yesterday. According to my notes, if Bob’s blood pressure goes higher than 170, than I MUST call a certain number for help. His blood pressure was 188 over something high… I got so nervous! I called the number @ UCLA and they were all busy or on other calls, or who knows what. AARGH!

I left messages, pleaded my case for someone to return my call, ASAP… Finally, what seemed forever (five minutes), one of the transplant coordinators called me back. I gave her the 411 and I guess since she could hear my desperation, she simply advised me to have Bob pop another one of those blood pressure pills and all should be better. PHEW! What a close call. I checked his BP again in one hour and it was better, 162 over something. Thank you Lord!

We have another wonderful trip scheduled to for another clinic (blood works, incision check-up, etc) @ 5am tomorrow at UCLA; please pray that his creatinine will have gone down more. Our goal is for Bob to be at 0.6 to 1.2 mg. for his kidney to be functioning at a normal healthy level.

To the Moreno Family (Dave, Stella, Puffy, Marcella, and Sofia): Thank you for the awesome-tasty Chicken Pozole! Girl…. You make a kickin’ pozole! Henry, Nancy, Lili, my kids all were marveling in the rich flavor of it all… Your pasta/green salad, mmm… delicioso!

A special mention! It is Lili’s birthday today! She is five decades and twelve months old today! Did I ever tell you that she’s my favorite sister-in-law in all of Vegas? May God bless her and keep her around for many more years. I love you Lili!

I encourage you all to give her a call; my home phone: (562) 941-6883.

H-A-P-P-Y B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y-!

1 comment:

R.A. said...

Hey Darling! I love you and the fam, and I'm praying! Hope to see you soon.