Thursday, August 7, 2008

He's doing better!

Praise the Lord! Bob is doing so much better. Although it was a rough night, he is now able to breath without any problems. The ultrasound of the kidney came back clear. They did have to flush out is bladder via the catheter, and poor thing, he said it hurt like razor blades, but they were able to flush out some small clots that were hindering the passing of urine...

He is now in deep sleep, resting.

He has has many different visitors today. Some of them were Pastor Bill Provo and Jacob Barron. What a treat! Bob and Bill are cut from the same rug. Thanks Bill for being such an encourager, and making him laugh, we love ya' man! Jacob, thanks for coming along, it's always nice to talk to you about soccer. Congratulations on your team getting 2nd place in Ireland against Manchester United!

Another constant longtime friend is Boris Herrera! I truly thank the Lord for his faithfulness in calling and visiting Bob while he's been in the hospital. Although you are not carnal brothers, Bob deeply loves you as one.

Bob's dad will be coming by later to visit him as well. I am so thankful to the Lord as well that because of this disease, he was able to reconcile with his father and have a relationship with him. Prior to 2004, if the kids ever asked Bob about their "abuelito," his response was "he's dead," or just simply changed the subject.

God always has a way of softening our hearts and making us see what's important. God broke Bob's pride in 2004, and with the help and urging of his Uncle Chuy (bob's dad's brother) he was able to start talking to his dad at an Olmos family reunion prior to his hospitalization, not knowing that his would be close to meeting his maker! Bob knew that he was sick, he knew that his kidneys were failing, but not to the extent that he was going to be diagnosed with a rare disease that would cause him to have renal failure.

I am so happy also that my sister-in-law Lili, whom donated the kidney, loves and knows the Lord as her Saviour. What a great testimony to people around her that she was able to give a great gift of life, however, it would not have been possible if God did not love her first! You see, as believers in Christ, life on this earth is temporary. Life with God is eternal! Why keep something that will be useful to someone else?

Lili, I love you so much. Words cannot express my gratitude towards you. Because of this gift, this means that you and I will be able to have Bob around much longer! My kids will be able to enjoy their father a longer time, and you will be able to enjoy of him as well! I respect and admire your courage to go through this ordeal for Bob.

Luz, my friend. Thank you for lending me your laptop so that I could keep all the peeps updated! What a wonderful tool. I am much obliged to you!

Well, all is well so far at the forefront. I will keep you updated more later on. ---Mireya


Shirley Casey said...

Glad to hear the news. So glad to hear that Bob is doing better. Get your rest and we hope that it is smooth sailing from here. ~Shirley Casey

Jauregui Family said...

Thanks for the updates. We'll keep you on the top of the prayer list, dear ones. Bobby, too. Way to be strong, Mom!

Love you guys,
KJ, Alex, and Olivia

Fessenden said...

Great news! We are so happy for you guys.We will see you Friday after Blake's appointment. sweet dreams.
Love from, Karen and Blake